Since 1995, van Zelm’s Annual Charity Golf Tournament has raised money to benefit worthy causes. ..
In 2023, our 29th Anniversary Tournament supported the Connecticut ACE Mentor Program and the New Britain Boys and Girls Club.
van Zelm also donates annually to its endowed scholarship fund within the University of Hartford School of Engineering, Technology and Architecture.
We want to express our deepest gratitude to the firms and individuals that have supported this philanthropic event over the years. Their generosity allows us to make meaningful donations to worthy organizations in support of our greater community.
Sincere thanks to all who support and participate – we couldn’t do it without you!
29th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 29th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Green Course
White Course
28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Green Course
White Course
27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Green Course
White Course
26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Green Course
White Course
25th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 25th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Green Course
White Course
24th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
On behalf of all of us at van Zelm, we’d like to extend our thanks to you for supporting our 24th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.